
We want to hear from You! To Submit your Testimonial, email us at myavsecrets@gmail.com

Always looking for pure and natural nourishment for the body, I ordered 2 weeks of the Nourish and the Detox, and after the first day noticed the skin on my face felt fuller and more refreshed. After about 10 days of taking both, I had more energy and a feeling of vitality that has been missing. I now know that I have a “go to ” to rebuild lost immunity from normal day to day damage.- Pam Roebuck

As someone who has had digestive and metabolic challenges for some time with little to no success in using standard form treatments, I was intrigued by how these proposed to resolve my problems. So, I was impressed with the fact that right from the beginning they have had a noticeable beneficial impact on me. Between curbing my appetite in the morning while also acting as a pre-digestive stimulant, to providing a more restful and deeper sleep at night, the ingredients, based on ancient yet ultimately, scientific principles worked their modern- day magic. I look forward to continued use of them and receiving their long- term effects.- J. Cleary

I have had constant headaches and have not been able to sleep, no matter what I did. I tried the Nourish PM for the full seven days every evening and was able to finally get a full night’s sleep and my headaches are finally gone.” – Anonymous Customer

I tried the morning detox first, and it has taken the place of my morning coffee. it gives me energy without the 2 hour crash that I would get with my regular coffee. I really needed to get off the coffee. My new morning go to!!- John Kenneth

After every meal, I would feel bloated and gassy. I started taking Detox AM every morning and have seen a dramatic difference in my digestion issues. This is a god-send.” – Anonymous Customer

I am sure that this regiment is giving me more energy. I am doing it faithfully both the Detox and the Nourish, I need the support and I hate taking pills. I will definitely continue- R

My hives were healed with daily use of the Nourish PM. For weeks I suffered from hives, and non of the conventional medicines worked. After I took the Nourish PM my hives were literally gone within an hour of drinking this miracle supplement, no exaggeration. – Female 20 years old